Thursday, 5 November 2009

'Fuertaventuran' Magic Hour

Over half term I went on holiday to Fuertaventura. Fuertventura is one of the Canary Islands; the Canary Islands are situated in the Atlantic Ocean just off the west coast of Africa. Fuertaventura is the second largest of the islands and is one of the nearest to Africa itself.
Due to its brilliant weather conditions all year round I decided that it would be the ideal place for a 'magic hour' shoot. I feel it was successful and feel as if some strong images have come out of it. Here are the images I have processed so far.

This/these image(s) is of some sort of alley-way out of a bar in the built up area of Costa Caleta; the resort I was staying in. I've been looking to do some urban magic hour shots and did this one by accident really. Personally I think it works best in colour as the orange of the wall really draws you to that side of the image and makes your eyes follow the wall towards the shutters at the bottom of the image. This, to me, makes a good image when your eyes are bounced around the image. I really like the composition of this image too, I think its really well balanced.

These images are of the back of a small restaurant near to harbour. It's again an urban shot. The thing I like about this image is the 'little details'. I like how everything seems to be in groups. There's a group of gas bottles, the plastic crates are grouped, the small doors are grouped and the fence posts are almost grouped etc. I think it probably works a little better in colour. I like the tint of orange that the setting sun has cast onto the white building.

I took this image on the rocks at the beach. The black and white image is quite a good image I think but again like my other black and white images that show a lot sky there is not much detail in the sky. The sky looks very washed out and would look quite good and 'moody' if i could adjust this. I do however like the colour image, the orange glow on the rocks looks fantastic. It shows magic hour. I also like this image in general as it gives a little insight into life on the island. It reflects the populations laid back attitude in that there are sun-loungers and a group of people playing beach-volleyball. I later discovered the people were spanish and part of the islands population.

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