Friday, 27 November 2009

Fluorescent Lighting

'A fluorescent lamp or fluorescent tube is a gas-discahrge lamp that uses electricity to excite mercury vapor. The excited mercury atoms produce short-wave ultraviolet light that then causes a phosphor to fluoresce, producing visible light. A fluorescent lamp converts electrical power into useful light more efficiently than an incandescent lamp. Lower energy cost typically offsets the higher initial cost of the lamp. The lamp is more costly because it requires a ballast to regulate the flow of current through the lamp.
While larger fluorescent lamps have been mostly used in commercial or institutional buildings, the compact fluorescent lamp is now being used as an energy-saving alternative to incandescent lamps in homes. Compared with incandescent lamps, fluorescent lamps last longer, but are bulkier, more complex, contain trace amounts of mercury, and have poorer color rendition.'
Taken from wikipedia's article - 'fluorescent lamp'

Fluorescent Lighting tends to be used in public places and the work place etc. This is because they are cheaper to run than regular incadescent lights. It tends to produce a very harsh light causing there to be a very a fine line between getting good results with it and bad results.
I have been looking into photographs that have used fluorescent lighting to light them; here are some of my favorites..
These images were taken from the magnum photo's website.

The first image was taken by a Josef Koudelka in a Rome subway station. I like the use of fluorescent lighting in this image and I like the perspective. I would perhaps have used a higher contrast to make it more moody.

The second image is a railway station platform in Coney Island. I love the contrast to this image, it makes the use of fluorescent light really stand out.

The final image is my favorite. It has an atmosphere to it; it seems a very personal image. Like the photographer has entered the subjects personal space inside the cramped telephone box. It was taken by Richard Kalvar.

I found fluorescent lighting one of the easiest forms of light to photograph with; surprisingly. Since fluorescent lighting is used in various locations I decided to photograph using it in various locations so to get the best results. Below are my favorite photographs.

The first image was taken at my local Spar Petrol Station. Once I was given permission I utilized the lighting in the car wash and the perspective the tunnel like structure creates. The perspective is my favorite part of this image.

The second image was taken in a phone box close to where I live. The fact the phone takes up most of the frame echo's the cramped conditions that you get in phone boxes. I like the dark, sinister atmosphere to this image.

The final image was taken in my local shop. The shelf is typical of a small corner shop's shelf in the range of products all crammed into such a small photograph. I particularly like how the light is directional.

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