Monday, 7 December 2009

Fortnightly Project: Treasure

'Valuable or precious possessions of any kind'

I wouldn't say I suffer from, but I have the most common neurological condition in the UK today; Epilepsy.

To put it simply Epilepsy is the 'proneness' to any form of seizure. These are very irregular and inconvenient, so much so that epilepsy is 'officially' classed as a disability. It can prevent you from going about day-to-day activities and requires permanent medication. Without this medication I wouldn't be able to lead such a normal life. That, therefore is why my medication is so valuable to me.

Its not until my seizures have got under control recently (fingers crossed) that I have fully appreciated exactly what these small items mean to me. Without them I would be fitting again on a regular basis; something which would make my life quite irregular.

I shot this on my DSLR and edited it later on using lightroom. The image is of the boxes, the strips, the pills and the bag which they are delivered in; the 'treasure chest' almost. I edited it to B&W to add atmosphere and added a vignette to 'draw' you into the image. The imperfectness of the work surface and the tiles reflects the imperfectness and 'irregularness' of the condition.

Its now been 8 months since my last seizure so its only 4 months until I can have my driving license back. Happy Days :-)

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